Transfiguration: Working with Hawkwood Online

Coherent Self Coherent World Online Course Diana Durham

Diana Durham and her experience working with Hawkwood Online

The team at Hawkwood have made an amazing transition from on-site to on-line courses, managing to extend the very special spirit of place into a welcoming and easy ‘zoom’ space.

I so enjoyed working with Miriam Buck and Katie Lloyd Nunn to put together an interview and book launch for my recent non-fiction book Coherent Self, Coherent World: a new synthesis of Myth, Metaphysics & Bohm’s Implicate Order. Hawkwood attracted a deeply listening audience with whom to share about the importance of nurturing a new level of informed and mature spirituality.

In her upcoming online course Coherent Self, Coherent World, Diana facilitates an enquiry into frameworks of understanding about your whole identity, beginning 4th February.


Diana Durham

Diana Durham is the author of three poetry collections, the novel The Curve of the Land, the nonfiction study The Return of King Arthur: Completing the Quest for Wholeness and, most recently, Coherent Self, Coherent World: A New Synthesis of Myth, Metaphysics & Bohm’s Implicate Order.

Diana also wrote, performed and co-produced a dramatic audio retelling of the grail myth called Percival & the Grail now also a 15-part animated series on YouTube. Diana has given talks and workshops using the grail myth internationally, including at the Women’s Studies Research Centre, Brandeis; Dialogos’ ‘Collective Leadership’ Courses in the UK, and for the New Hampshire Humanities Council. In all her work, Diana draws on archetype and the natural world to explore why our deeper identity is the root of creativity and the visionary power of imagination. Both of which she believes are essential forces in the renewal of culture.


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