Upcoming Courses & Events

Immerse yourself in the Hawkwood experience on one of our residential courses, or simply join us for a day. We have a huge range of creative and inspiring courses: focus on movement and creativity with yoga or an art workshop, get involved with social change, reconnect with nature, or join us for a poetry, storytelling, classical music, woodwork, blacksmithing or embroidery course.

We offer a unique mix of vibrant and stimulating courses, often not found elsewhere.

Either browse our full list of courses, talks and events or select from a specific area of interest. You can also use the search bar option or take a look at our calendar which highlights all activities at Hawkwood month by month.

Revelation: Public Talk with William Meader

Facilitator: William Meader
When rightly used, human thought has the power to reveal the soul’s wisdom and conveys a deeper meaning to the circumstances of life. In this fascinating talk, William will discuss the mind’s role as the receptive agent for the soul’s…

May Day Festival

Facilitator: Future Thinking Talks, Live Music, Local Food, Creativity
A BIG THANK YOU! To all who came yesterday and made the day so special! Watch this space as we will be releasing the event photographs shortly! As a free festival, we welcome donations in support of our charity, so…

The Three Pillars: Public Talk with William Meader

Facilitator: William Meader
In this talk, renowned teacher of esoteric philosophy William Meader will explore the Three Pillars of spiritual development, and how we can more effectively integrate them into the fabric of our lives. It has been said that the strongest geometric…

Classical Guitar Concert with Craig Ogden

Facilitator: Craig Ogden
This Friday night recital will include music by Aguado, Rodrigo, Albeniz, Villa-Lobos and Bach. It will be a varied programme of key works from the guitar repertoire.   ADVANCE BOOKING ESSENTIAL

The Green Room

Facilitator: Soumik Datta Arts and Counterpoints Arts
Experience Indian contemporary music and hear about the collaboration between Soumik Datta Arts, Counterpoints Arts and Hawkwood CFT. ADVANCE BOOKING ESSENTIAL

November Hawkwood Huddle

Facilitator: Penny Gundry & Jo Weatherall
If you’re looking to join a networking group with fellow business people then we’d love to welcome you to join us for a monthly Hawkwood Huddle. Join us for this new, monthly networking group held at Hawkwood. Connect, share ideas…

Briony Greenhill in Concert with Asha McCarthy

Facilitator: Briony Greenhill & Asha McCarthy
Come and experience a collaborative performance between Briony Greenhill and Asha McCarthy. This concert will explore the question of “What is to bring a child into this country, culture, world at this time?” ALL WELCOME!   Arrivals from 7.00pm; Concert 7.30pm…

A Year in a Field

Facilitator: Directed by Christopher Morris
BAFTA-winning documentarian Christopher Morris invites us to slow down, as he films for a year in a West Cornwall field; to immerse ourselves in this quiet, direct-action of stillness, to take a breath and reflect on the planetary impacts of…

Forest Bathing

Facilitator: Dee Aebischer
Come and join Dee Aebischer, a qualified guide with the UK Forest Bathing Institute, who holds a Masters & PhD in Forest Science, as she leads you on a journey of discovery through the art of Forest Bathing (also known…

POSTPONED Supper and Documentary: The Garden

The fourteen-acre community garden at 41st and Alameda in South Central Los Angeles is the largest of its kind in the United States. Started as a form of healing after the devastating L.A. riots in 1992, the South Central Farmers…

Forest Bathing

Facilitator: Dee Aebischer
Come and join Dee Aebischer, a qualified guide with the UK Forest Bathing Institute, who holds a Masters & PhD in Forest Science, as she leads you on a journey of discovery through the art of Forest Bathing (also known…

Journey to Net Zero

Facilitator: Jane Davidson, Stan Townsend and Alicia Carey
The world is experiencing the disastrous impacts of the climate crisis and is currently off track to avert further impacts.  Leading scientists recently issued what they called “our final warning”. The Welsh Government and Plaid Cymru have jointly invited an…