Exploring Culture & Creativity

A Dive into Hawkwood’s Vibrant Course Offerings

At Hawkwood Centre for Future Thinking, we believe that culture and creativity are the beating heart of personal growth and societal transformation. Our Culture and Creativity strand is a vibrant tapestry of courses designed to inspire, ignite curiosity, and foster connections within the realm of arts, expression, and cultural exploration.

“a vibrant tapestry of courses designed to inspire, ignite curiosity, and foster connections”

1. Artistic Expressions: Unleashing Your Inner Creativity

Embark on a journey of self-discovery through our diverse array of art courses. From painting and sculpture to mixed media and digital art, our workshops are led by skilled artists who will guide you in unlocking your creative potential.

Facilitator: Amy Cox

On this one-day course, we will be working with English rush, schoenoplectus lacustris, a beautifully soft material to weave with, as well as some locally foraged fibres, such as dandelion. We will learn some ancient techniques of cordage and plaiting…

Facilitator: Jackie Hall
This unique art form originated in Buddhist temples and is used for the elaborate decoration of Kimonos. This rarely taught skill has been based at Hawkwood for over twenty years.  Using traditional methods and techniques you will produce truly stunning…
Facilitator: Jamilla Ives
Are you ready to take your clothes-making to the next level? In this Introduction to Pattern Cutting for beginners course you will learn the basics of pattern cutting. This is an opportunity to learn key skills make your own clothes;…
Facilitator: Angie Parker
Under the guidance of professional weaver, designer, and colour lover, Angie Parker, you will weave a cushion panel on a four-shaft table loom. Once you have designed the cloth for your cushion you can enjoy the process and therapeutic benefits…

2. Writing for Change: Finding Your Voice

Words have the power to change the world. Join our writing courses to explore the realms of poetry, storytelling, and non-fiction. Discover how to craft impactful narratives that resonate with audiences and drive positive change.

Facilitator: Madeleine Bunting & Juliette Morton
Our deepest emotions are embedded in our experience of family relationships. Tackle the challenges of writing about family life in this thought-provoking retreat/weekend for writers and learn how to craft personal stories into an engaging narrative.
Facilitator: Emma Leyfield
A pocketbook is the companion you need in your life. Regular drawing, daily reflection, a place to take notes and test out ideas; it can be whatever you need it to be. Winter is the perfect time to start a…

3. Performing Arts: Embodying Expression

Step onto the stage and into the spotlight with our performing arts courses. From theater and dance to improv and acting, these workshops provide a platform for self-expression, collaboration, and personal growth.

4. Mindfulness in Creativity: Nurturing the Artist Within

Creativity flourishes in a mindful space. Join our courses that blend mindfulness and creative practices. Explore the symbiotic relationship between inner awareness and artistic expression.

Facilitator: Ruth White
It’s all about where your attention is, not your ability. Through the practice of asana, pranayama, and meditation; moving further into the peace and quiet of the mind. Let us work together on our so-called problems and release any anxiety…
Facilitator: Christina Sadler
Indulge in a relaxing and creative day of painting where you will discover how to turn a simple source of inspiration into a series of expressive paintings. This class will be your refuge from expectation and pressure as we explore…
Facilitator: Lindsay McLeod
During this weekend retreat, bring yourself into relationship with the fluidity inherent in your body and its interaction with the world around it. You will develop the skills to hear your body at a cellular level; help us to engage…

5. Culinary Adventures: Artistry in the Kitchen

Unleash your inner chef and explore the world of gastronomy. From cooking classes to food storytelling, our culinary courses celebrate the art and culture of food while nurturing your culinary skills.

Facilitator: Daphne Lambert
Autumn Bounty brings you a day of sharing food stories and simple methods of preservation that have been passed down through the generations. As we edge towards the winter there is still an abundance of fruit and vegetables to preserve.…
Facilitator: Daphne Lambert
Autumn Bounty brings you a day of sharing food stories and simple methods of preservation that have been passed down through the generations. As we edge towards the winter there is still an abundance of fruit and vegetables to preserve.…

6. Music and Sound: Harmonizing the Senses

Discover the power of sound and music to evoke emotions and tell stories. Our music courses cover a wide range of genres and instruments, allowing you to find your own melodic voice.

Facilitators: Aidan McIntyre & Tim Byford
This is a fantastic opportunity to deepen your Gong technique and understanding. Exploring the uses of the gong in a therapeutic setting and group work, Master Trainers Aidan McIntyre and Tim Byford will guide you towards creating a deeper connection…
Facilitator: James D’Angelo
Toward this aim of retuning, James will offer various forms of toning East and West using vowels, consonants and seed syllables as mantras. You will also explore other complementary practices such as the Taoist healing sounds/movements for the organs of the body, as well as sounds for the whole energy field…
Facilitator: Briony Greenhill
This course is a great introduction to Collaborative Vocal Improvisation. Collaborative Vocal Improvisation is the art of spontaneously co-composed vocal music with others. As a form, it’s rising in popularity in the UK and around the world. It requires…

7. Sustainable Creativity: Art and Ecology

Merge your creativity with ecological consciousness. Join courses that explore the intersection of art and sustainability, fostering a deeper connection to nature through creative expression.

Facilitator: Emma Leyfield
Many of us aspire to keep a regular sketchbook, journal or diary but it’s deceptively hard to get started, let alone stick to. This workshop is a day where you can put your inhibitions, distractions and procrastination aside to start…

Facilitator: David Goddard
During this course you will learn how to commune with Nature through sacred drama, ancient stories, and song. By developing companionship with Nature-spirits we will enhance both land’s sacredness and our own. Then we will also be able to holistically…

Facilitator: Clare Walsh
A day exploring colour and textures, printing with natural leaves and grasses. You will learn the process of sublimation printing using a heat press to create beautiful and unique botanical designs. An opportunity to appreciate the beauty in autumnal foliage.

Join us in celebrating the richness of culture and the boundless creativity that lies within each of us. Our Culture and Creativity courses are designed to ignite inspiration, foster connection, and cultivate personal and collective growth. Explore the full spectrum of offerings and embark on a transformative journey at Hawkwood Centre for Future Thinking.

Visit our Culture and Creativity Course Page for more details and to enrol in the courses that speak to your heart and passion.

Embark on a journey of self-discovery and transformation through culture and creativity. Let’s create, connect, and thrive together.

Written by Priscila Pabon, Hawkwood’s Digital Wizz & Curator

Priscila Pabon

Priscila Pabon

Born and living in the Global South, Priscila is a creator of beauty and seamlessness and works with a passionate fire that brings vitality to her work. With expansive curiosity, Priscila explores diverse cultures and indigenous lifestyles and her care for the planet is precisely done within every aspect of her work.


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